Joseph LMS Green

Transmitted on Friday, May, 18th, 2012 in Uncategorized

A good friend and unparalleled talent. Nothing more to say.

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What Writers Can Learn From the A-Team

Transmitted on Wednesday, April, 11th, 2012 in Uncategorized

Over the past week or so I’ve been playing email tag with a very good friend from college who is at what I think is a very pivotal point in her writing life.  She’s trying to get back on the writing wagon, but her muse seems to be asleep at the wheel.  Likely as not, it’s because she works all day teaching and by the time she gets home her muse feels beaten within an inch of her life.  Teaching can do that some days.

Regardless, because she’s a trooper, she’s doing the Poem-A-Day challenge for the month of April and, while she started strong, it’s eleven days into the maelstrom now and she admitted that she’s beginning to flag.  The writing is slow and painful now and, when it finally does come, it’s a train wreck so horrifying she suffers PTSD the next day and has a hard time boarding the writing train again.  We’ve all been there, and know how this can snowball into a writing slump.

She asked me for some thoughts on how to get past this.  Well, here’s something I’ve learned about writing, and I learned it from the A-Team:  failure IS an option Dive deeper…

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Wait…I Only “Borrowed” That Game?

Transmitted on Tuesday, July, 26th, 2011 in The Modern Geek

In 1987 three very important things happened in my life:

1)  I turned nine years old—a great age to be, I believed, as it was the first time I’d ever been that old and it was a year older than eight.

2)  I kissed a girl for the very first time.  In the lunch line of the school cafeteria.  Her name was Shauna.  She was almost 11.  And, for the record, she kissed me—a precedent that, sadly, would not last.

3)  My mother bought me a copy of The Legend of Zelda.

Of those three things, only one has endured:  Zelda.  (Last I heard Shauna was living out west somewhere raising alpaca…no, seriously!)  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I still own my iconic piece of gaming history.  The golden cartridge is faded, discolored, scratched and chipped.  It spends its life in a sweltering, stuffy storage building, seeing the light of day only twice a year:  when I come annually to scavenge for Christmas decorations and again a few weeks later when I come to put them back.

The Nintendo has been broken for years.  Frankly, the Zelda cartridge serves no purpose other than to remind me of those heady days of my youth when video games had learning curves harsher than the price tag on a Ferrari. Those days when side-scrolling was just the way things were done.  Those days when you paid for a game and, by paying for it, owned it. Dive deeper…

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MG: The Shenanigans of Infinity

Transmitted on Wednesday, March, 16th, 2011 in Uncategorized

The Shenanigans of Infinity

For those of you who didn’t know, Monday, March 14 was National Pi Day. The one day of the year set aside to celebrate the most awesome of irrational numbers, the number that runs on Energizer batteries and keeps going and going and going… Oh, Pi, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679…
(Yeah, you probably saw that one coming, didn’t you?)

But seriously, how does one celebrate National Pi Day? What behavior is apropos for an infinitely large, non-repeating irrational number? Dive deeper…

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